- Jude – $20 (study guide + video access)
- Luke in the Land (study guide + video access) – $25
- As For Me (Psalms) (study guide + video access) – $21
- Daniel Part 1 (study guide only for both parts) $17 or
(for individual video access, order directly from Lifeway) $25 - Ephesians & Colossians- $22 (study guide + video access)
- Sermon on the Mount – $25 (study guide + video access)
- Theotherapy – $15 (payment for Part 1 participants)
*Scholarships are available for Women’s study guides/curricula. Please contact Joyce Bell.
On Campus Groups
Sunday Mornings
9:00-10:00 am
Study: Jude – Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture – by Jackie Hill Perry
FCC Room 114
Begins January 12, 2025
Begins January 12, 2025
Cost $20 (may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Joyce Bell
Jude - Contending for the Faith in Today's Culture
Recognize God’s word as an anchor in the ever-shifting cultural climate. We’ll dive into themes of being called, loved, and kept as you learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth. See how this small, obscure book of Scripture still speaks to the church today.
Monday Evenings
6:30 pm
Study: Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland
Begins January 13, 2025
Study guide/video access available in class.
Cost: $25 (may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Connie Alexander
Luke in the Land
Follow Kristi McLelland through Israel as we study snapshots from the Gospel of Luke to see where the stories of the Bible took place. Through teaching videos that take you to Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, Gethsemane, Jerusalem and the road to Emmaus, you’ll see how Jesus, the Messiah, brought His kingdom to earth for everyone.
Monday Evenings
6:30 pm
Study: Theotherapy Part 2 – Mark West
Begins January 20, 2024
Prerequisite-Therotherapy 1.
Led by Cyndi Torres/Lori Seaton
Theotherapy 2
Continue your healing journey and gain freedom in God that you deserve. Participants will utilize Mark West's book obtained in Theotherapy Part 1.
Wednesday Mornings
10:00 am
Study: As For Me (Psalms) by Adrienne Camp
8-Week Video/Discussion
Begins January 15, 2025
Study guide/video access available in class.
Cost: $21 (may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Mysti Wolle
From songs of praise to cries of lament and everything in-between, the book of Psalms captures the wide range of emotions in life. The psalmists paint a picture of a relationship with God that is filled with delays, disappointments, surprises, and triumphs. Gain a deeper understanding of who God is and be encouraged to hold on to Him no matter what is happening around you.
Wednesday Mornings
10:00 am
Study: Daniel Part One (Lives of Integrity) by Beth Moore
7-Week Vtideo/Discussion
Begins January 15, 2025
Study guide/video access available in class.
Cost: $17 (study guide for both parts – may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Judy Darretta
(Note: Daniel Part Two begins March 19, 2025)
Part One (Chapters 1-6) deals with Daniel’s life as he faces the kinds of pressures and temptations Christians encounter today. Daniel models how to develop enduring integrity in an enticing world. (Daniel Part Two (Chapters 7-12) explores thrilling prophecies from the time of Daniel through the second coming of Jesus Christ.)
Wednesday Mornings
11:00 am
Study: Theotherapy Part 1 by Mark West
Begins January 22, 2025
Cost: $15 (may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Cyndi Torres & Joyce Pinson
Theotherapy 1
As small children, we develop beliefs that come as a direct result of the things we experience in our family of origin...whether those experiences were good or bad. These strongly held beliefs have deep and lasting impact on our choices, relationships, and the way we view God. Understanding God’s unconditional love for us along with the application of sound biblical principles of conflict resolution will bring about deep emotional healing, enabling us to move beyond the past and into a place of sustained emotional health.
Thursday Mornings
9:30 am
Moms Refuge for Preschool Moms (ongoing group w/childcare)
Study: Flourish – Passion City Church
Every Thursday when Williamson County Schools are in session
Study guide available in class.
Led by Kari Moore & Liz Hinton
*Childcare for children, ages 6 months to kindergarten, is provided during this ongoing FCC class. Until babies reach childcare age, they may remain with moms in class.
Moms Refuge (Meets Sept.-May)
Moms Refuge is a place where you can be still. It is a place where you will be equipped to balance motherhood with your pursuit of Jesus. Together, we will dive into scripture in class and at home. With just one homework question a day, you will be amazed at how much fruit you will find in your life. You will learn more about God and crave more time with Him. We can’t wait to do life with you!
Zoom Groups
Tuesday Evenings
6:00 pm
A Study of Ephesians and Colossians (10 sessions)
For Ephesians, we will be using, Ephesians – A Study of Faith and Practice – Jackie Hill Perry and others (7 sessions)
Colossians (3 sessions) material will be provided for the class.
For Ephesians, we will be using, Ephesians – A Study of Faith and Practice – Jackie Hill Perry and others (7 sessions)
Colossians (3 sessions) material will be provided for the class.
10-Week Video/Discussion
Begins January 14, 2025
Cost: $22 (study guide/video) (may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Gail Bivins
A Study of Ephesians and Colossians
Walk through the book of Ephesians examining the invaluable truths Paul’s letter holds for us today. You’ll gain greater understanding of the riches of our inheritance as daughters of our Heavenly Father, as well as what it means to walk in a manner worthy of our calling.
As Christians, we know that Christ is enough, but we often struggle with
ways to live it out. Colossians offers us practical ways to live a life that demonstrates to ourselves and others that Jesus is Lord of all.
Tuesday Evenings
6:30 pm
Study: Sermon on the Mount by Jen Wilkin
9-Week Video/Discussion
Begins January 14, 2025
Cost: $25 (study guide/video) (may pay for curriculum either online or in person)*
Led by Abbi Sherry & Kelley Halbert
Sermon on the Mount
In this sweeping depiction of kingdom citizenship, Jesus teaches His followers about true blessedness, how to pray, religious devotion, money, ambition and relationships over three chapters (Matthew 5-7). First released in 2014, this study was recently revised and expanded with new teaching videos.