Do you crochet or knit? Would you like to learn? Then Stitchin’ Sisters is for you!
We meet on Thursday mornings in the Hospitality Room at Franklin Christian Church from 9:00-11:00 am. We fellowship and work together to make afghans, hats, and other items to give to those who need them. We are willing to help anyone who wants our help in learning.
We are especially known for making blankets out of 6-inch squares for individuals or groups/organizations in need, however, you are welcome to bring your individual projects to work on.
(Note: If you are unable to attend on Thursdays, you can make 6-inch squares at home! Contact Stitchin’ Sisters and we would be glad to arrange to get the squares to use in our blankets!)
Since our ministry began in 2013, we have donated over 850 blankets to individuals and organizations who had a need (including Monroe Harding, Isaiah 117 House, hurricane & tornado victims, and S.A.F.E. in Williamson County). We also make red hats for “Little Hats Big Hearts” to raise awareness for The American Heart Association, and we have made hats and scarves for the homeless. We love using our talents to serve our community!
In 2023, we began a prayer shawl ministry. Our prayer shawls are available at all times for anyone who wants to comfort someone in need.
If you have any questions or would like to be added to our email list, please contact us at:
Or you can go to our “Stitchin’Sisters” facebook page: (
Ephesians 4:28b (ESV) tells us that we are to do “honest work with our own hands, so that we may have something to share with anyone in need.” We seek to use our knit and crochet ministry to serve Jesus.
We would love to have you join us on Thursday mornings in the Hospitality Room at Franklin Christian Church from 9:00-11:00 am. Drop by anytime!